Wednesday, July 12, 2017


Does Sarah Huckabee Sanders have any idea how obvious it is that she's repeating everything Trump tells her to say? Does it bother her supposedly religious father that his daughter makes her living lying through her teeth?  Does she explain to her three children that she is a professional liar and the lies she tells are damaging to the country she claims to love. Does she realize—since Trump doesn't—
that constantly attacking the Clintons is a weak argument and pathetic excuse for Trump's transgressions, or to to put it in words that the hypocritical Huckabee's use, sins? Does she realize that all her lying is captured on video or audio tape,  so that long after we are rid of Trump there will still be a permanent record of the shameful deceptions of the duplicitous daughter of a Christian minister and ex Governor or Arkansas.

1 comment:

  1. Wait, what? Someone had sex with her... three times? Please tell me they were triplets.
