Monday, July 24, 2017


A huge difference between the Republicans and Democrats is that the Republicans, as you can see, want to "Make America Great Again" and the Democrats think America is, was, and will always be great. If anything we just want to make it even greater. You will recall Obama was accused by the hypocritical GOP of not being pro-American, which was a lie. Now their main theme is that America isn't great, that it's weak, incompetent, cowardly, is being ripped off by NATO, didn't have a strong leader like Putin. Boy, the Republicans in power sure don't think much of our country. Nor do those supposed Americans who voted for Trump. They must also think America isn't great since they bought those hats and tee-shirts and put in office a man who doesn't think America is great, even though he made a fortune from the country he now denigrates. Fortunately the majority of Americans, those who voted for Hillary, believe in America, are proud of our values, appreciate our freedoms, and value our Constitution. So anyone who says, "Make America Great Again" is talking through his or her hat.

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