Sunday, July 23, 2017


Bill Maher is right. Americans, for the most part, are sheep and conformists. And they are, as he has often said, stupid. Bill Clinton has an affair like millions of other American men and the morally judgemental and uptight still bleat about it, forgetting all the good he has done for his country. On the other hand George W. Bush creates a fake war, goes to battle with an innocent country, kills thousands of Americans and even more Iraqis, and lays the groundwork for years of upheaval and destruction that encompasses other countries like Syria. And nobody seems to care. He is a welcome guest on talk shows, praised for his mediocre art, invited to speak at colleges and quoted for the slightest bon mot. If Americans were smart and just, Donald Trump would not be in the White House and George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld and Condoleeza Rice would be in jail.

P.S. I will continue to spell judgemental with a "e" as opposed to the accepted "judgmental" which doesn't even have a judge in it.

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