Monday, July 31, 2017


I doubt that any Trump voter would read my blog, but just in case one of you is reading it, this post is for you. This is not directed, of course, to the many equally wealthy people, lobbyists, and greedy Republicans who hope to get richer by kissing Trump's ass. No, this is for the millions of poor and middle-class voters who naively think Trump will keep all his empty promises, optimistically believe he will make America great again (you ninny, it never stopped being great), or dumbest of all who believe someday they will also be rich when your entire history has proven otherwise. But regardless of that you like the guy. But guess what? He has nothing but contempt for you. If you aren't worth millions, then have no value. If you don't have a closet of designer fashions, he wouldn't even deign to sit next to you at a restaurant. To Donald Trump you are low-class trailer trash even if you live in a 3-bedroom house  (only three bedrooms?). Sure he loved your vote, and your applause, and your cheers, and all those vulgar posters you were so proud of. But take me word for it: He thinks you're stupid, and malleable, and gullible, and way beneath him. And as long as you blindly praise and support someone who detests you, he's right.

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