Wednesday, January 18, 2017


Many Republicans, including John McCain, Paul Ryan and Secretary of Defense, Ash Carter, are up in arms because President Obama has rightly commuted the sentence of Chelsea Manning.  Manning, a transgender woman, was serving a 35-year sentence at Fort Leavenworth, an all-male prison in eastern Kansas, despite her request to transfer to a civilian prison. This sentence was too severe to begin with, but it made military brass happy as they considered Manning a traitor for revealing military secrets. But how odd it is that Manning, considered a traitor, was tossed into prison and, from reports, tortured, while other traitors like George W. Bush and Dick Cheney are free and often feted and all the Republican traitors who falsely vilified President Obama, like Mitch McConnell, are still holding jobs and collecting government checks? Apparently treason like beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Note: I include this pre-sentencing photo of Manning when she still identified as Bradley as there are few actual photos of Chelsea and the ones that are available are deliberately unflattering.

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