Thursday, January 26, 2017


As we all know, America is in disrepair. We need to restore our bridges, roads, tunnels, and coastline. Obama tried to get these jobs done, but the Republicans fought him at every turn. Obviously they are prepared to kiss Trump's ass on anything he recommends. So instead of bridges to safely carry millions of workers across America's rivers, we're about to build a wall. Well actually we're not. We're really about to spend a trillion dollars to start a wall, which can't possibly be completed and isn't necessary in the first place. Why? Because the problem of emigres crossing the border isn't that serious. Add to that the ladder has already been invented, and the Mexicans are brilliant at building tunnels. This is just another example of the GOP trying to convince us that Trump is sane when it's obvious he isn't, but what else have they got? I mean we're talking about a president who has been obsessed with the size of the crowd at his inauguration at a time when there are bigger things to think about, literally. He also keeps repeating that about 4 to 5 million people voted illegally, a claim that causes even the ass-kissing
GOP to unpucker their lips for a few stunned moments. Still he has his coterie of liars and sycophants including Paul Ryan, and the despicable Kelleyanne Conway. So if you imagined that you would soon see a construction crew paving that area of rutted road on the edge of town, don't hold you breath, A ridiculous, impractical, exorbitant, scalable, spiteful, laughable, and certain to be unfinished border wall comes first.

Shown above: The Minneapolis Bridge collapse.

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