Friday, October 14, 2016


When all these Hillary haters start growling about her e-mails and suggesting all kinds of evil motives for everything she does, what are they saying? Are they suggesting that she not be elected? And since there are only two choices, do they want Trump as president? Would that make these vengeful people happy? Would they be gleeful that an incredibly experienced woman who they vilified based on very little factual information lost the election to a egocentric, xenophobic, racist, woman abusing megalomaniac without any experience in government but tons of experience in bullshit and bankruptcy? Are they willing to sacrifice their country for the brief satisfaction of settling a vendetta that they can't even explain because it's so illogical?  Trump fans are haters. That's all they are. They don't care about morality, equality, education, fairness, patriotism or any of the precepts of American patriotism. They just hate, with no more thought that a snarling junkyard dog. They've chosen their master who has their leash. And when he says "sic" they rush forward.

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