Monday, October 10, 2016


The Second Presidential Debate, according to reports, was going to be a town hall event. The audience other than families and opportunistic bimbos, would be comprised of undecided voters. But it didn't take long to realize that that was completely untrue. Because early in the debate when Donald Trump made another smart-ass interrupting remark that Hillary would be in jail, the audience (who were told not to respond) laughed loudly. So loudly, in fact, that it could only have been an appreciative guffaw from the entire small audience. In short: Trump fans. This has not even been suggested in today's reports. But there is a lot of praise for Karl Becker, the man who asked the final question about what the candidates respect about each other. The media are acting as if this cliche oft-asked-in-debates question in was absolutely brilliant and Becker has been bathing in the undeserved praise all day. When asked if he is still undecided, he said that he is. This says to me that man is and has been a Trump fan and is basically just another deplorable idiot.

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