Sunday, September 18, 2016


Trump for some reason has lots of supporters and surrogates who will accept any lie, any failing, any evidence that their candidate is an overweight bag of racist arrogance. But the few, the very few, supporters who might be moved by reason must have been surprised by Trump's visit to Bethel United Methodist Church in Flint, Michigan. When he started his usual attack on Hillary Clinton, the church pastor, Rev. Faith Green Timmons, walked up to him and said, "Mr. Trump, I invited you here to thank us for what we've done for Flint, not give a political speech." And an amazing thing happened: Trump caved. He seemed embarrassed, abashed, almost ashamed for being caught being an asshole.. He quickly finished his speech and left. Later in true bully style he told everyone that Rev Timmons was "a nervous mess" a complete lie to cover his being so publicly scolded. He added to this another ridiculous lie by saying that the small audience said, "Let him talk." which not one of them said. Sadly what happened in Flint will not be obvious to the Trumpistas, but the rest of us could easily see that this coward can be brought down by a  public act of disapproval.

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