Sunday, September 25, 2016


Rafael Cruz is a detestable person. He's ugly, creepy, slimy, reptilian, and just plain unappealing in every possible way. But I personally find it hard to believe that he just endorsed Donald Trump. I'm certain his anger and hatred are so deep that nothing could have brought him around to agreeing to vote for Trump. Friends assure me that Cruz has done it to protect his own political career. I don't buy that. Other Republicans have come out against Trump without seeming to fear consequences from creeps like Reince Priebus and his cadre of traitors. My conspiracy theory of one is that he fakes allegiance until the last week before the election then announces to the media that he can no longer in good conscience support a person so vile, bigoted, misogynistic, xenophobic and stupid as Trump. Thus causing Trump some damaging last-minute publicity and having a satisfactory revenge for all the crap Trump has tossed his way. Wouldn't Trump see right through this ruse? With his ego, are you kidding?

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