Saturday, September 24, 2016


I think most car ads are utterly pretentious, but the new Fiat spot is particularly stupid. We see a young couple driving along a mountain highway in their Fiat, obviously fascinated by an eagle who is following them. They keep turning to admire the soaring bird above them, taking a chance of swerving off the nearby incline to their deaths. When this rapacious bird lands on their car they are delighted with the romanticism of what would throw ordinary people into panic at being the roost for a  bird of prey with deadly talons. Equating driving a sports car to being free as a bird is dopey, but no dopier than all the other auto ads that try to suggest that the car you drive somehow makes you a superior human being and endows you will all kinds of admirable qualities. Or is that only true for the attractive drivers exclusively shown in these commercials?

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