Monday, September 7, 2015

"C'mon God. Not even a pound?"

Why do you suppose god was so chatty in the Old Testament?  He would jaw with just about anyone, mostly by scolding them or warning them of a coming danger, you know like The Flood and Sodom and Gomorrah. And he wasn't stingy with miracles. You had your rod turned into a snake, locusts, frogs, the Nile going all bloody, and the piece de resistance: Parting the Red Sea. And he formed very personal relationships with people like Abraham, who he seemed to like to play practical jokes on. Now, nothing. No chatting. No miracles. No jokes. He won't even talk to his supposed biggest fans like  Kim Davis. She can rot in prison for all he (or she) cares. He refuses to let Huckabee lose those 20 extra pounds, and Mike is one of his biggest  (in every sense) supporters. In fact this year god has burned down a lot of churches, destroyed a lot of religious communities, and tossed perfectly nice people out of their countries, that is he didn't get them killed before they could escape. At the time he has made lots of nasty people—like Trump, for instance—very successful. All over the world people are rolling in money, success, and fame who probably don't even believe in him. Kind of makes you wonder, "Is anybody there?".

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