Tuesday, September 29, 2015

They were so not wunnerful.

Is it just me or were Bobby and Cissie the worst dance team ever. The steps seem to be done all right then why is the entire effect so sickening sweet and amateurish. How is it possible that this dreadful dance team performed week after week on the why-was-it-so-popular Lawrence Welk Show? But then again everything on that program was treacly and awful. The singers, the costumes, the band's pastel polyester suits. Between Arthur Duncan and Bobby Burgess, Lawrence Welk cornered the market on terpsichorean mediocrity, though even Arthur seems professional when one considers Bobby's ever-facing-forward obsession and never-fading Cheshire cat grin. One has to credit Lawrence Welk for one thing: He proved that real talent is not necessarily what audiences crave. His program was on national television for over 50 years, and is still being seen in repeats, and I doubt that there was ever a single show that you could say was first-class entertainment.

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