Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Second in the polls? Not so fast.

An article in the The Week by Paul Waldman stated, "America—or at least a healthy chunk of the Republican electorate—is apparently ready for Ben Carson." I don't buy that for a minute. You can't tell me that a group as prejudiced as the Republican electorate and so filled with hate for President Obama has suddenly embraced a black man, not as brilliant and twice as dark, even if he is a handsome leading neurosurgeon.  My theory, which will probably be ridiculed is this. Since it's early in the choosing process and the contenders are not very exciting, the right wingers are having their revenge. First by falling all over Donald Trump, a boor who  puts into words their intense anger at just about everything. And secondly by feigning to adore Carson, which translates into, "that'll show you Obama that we were not racist. We just hate you to pieces, and that goes for your family and your uppity dog." How satisfying it is for them to appear to promote Carson and toss off the accusation of bigot. It's not like they have to keep up the ruse until they choose a candidate. By then Trump will be gone and so will Carson. Trump will be gone because they will all have shot their wad of severe hatred attending his rallies and watching him upset the media, the Mexicans, and everybody else. That's when Donald's polls will tumble and he will realize they never really loved him and go back to pretending he has ten times more money than he does. Carson will not only be dismissed, but he'll feel the slap of racial prejudice that he was spared when he was still a serviceable attack dog against Obama. Fortunately he can return to a highly successful medical practice. By that time the  scurvy group of contenders will have come crawling back and one of them will be in the lead— the real lead.

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