Tuesday, April 28, 2020


If you lost anyone  you love to the coronavirus, you can blame Trump.  Not China. Not The Who. Trump. This lazy, laconic, callous president received reports about the pandemic as early as January.
He didn't read them. He didn't act on them.  In March when he was finally forced to acknowledge the storm coming our way, he called it a hoax. When it obviously wasn't a hoax, he suggested there were few victims and they would be fine in no time flat. When that was another proven falsehood, he saw the catastrophe as an opportunity to campaign every night on TV. He didn't care that people were dying. That meant nothing to him. He contradicted the medical experts who were out to save lives. In his vanity, he pushed a product for lupus as a cure that proved deadly to many who were treated with it. He fought the states on their requirements, never providing the supplies they needed but frequently saying he did. In a moment of unbridled idiocy, he suggested that persons might inject themselves with Lysol, a deadly idea. When he was rightfully ridiculed, he lied and said he was being "sarcastic". Thousands have died needlessly because Trump is an ignorant, unread megalomaniac. And he feels not a single iota of guilt or responsibility. The traitorous Republican Senate should have removed him when it was possible. Our only hope now is to vote him out of office in November. And as an American citizen you should be terrified at how much damage he can still do till then.  Tick. Tick. Tick.

1 comment:

  1. The "Who" is a musical group. The WHO is the World Health Organization whom Trump is withholding money from for no good reason. Whoops.
