Saturday, April 4, 2020


I noticed on today's Trump lie-fest that the world's most brilliant nerd Jared wasn't there, unless he was way off camera. Trump, as usual, went off on non-sensical rants, notably vilifying Mr. Atkinson.
Among his major idiocies was that the practically suggested that anyone who uses a ventilator will not live, which is far from true. He is pushing his pet malaria medicine only because he wants to be proved correct, not that he cares whether it saves lives. When he is not at the lectern saying everything twice, or scolding some professional newsperson, he stands to the side, tiny hands hanging straight down, looking as if he is trying to recall where he is, and eager to get back to his golden toilet or TV. I wonder why they even have these destructive sessions full of fantasies, mutterings, forced praise, and inaccurate statements. I have a feeling Jared may be in the dog house because he made Trump look like a fool. But that should be forgiving since Trump always looks like a fool.

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