Friday, December 25, 2015

More double-talk from Maw Mouth.

Rafael Cruz, who is always repulsive, was particularly so this week. He released one of his campaign commercials in which he is sitting on a sofa with his wife and two daughters. He has somehow managed to get these politically ignorant children to make comments detrimental to Hillary Clinton. (Did you expect he would do an honest commercial about what he can offer?) Then when some cartoonist drew a photo of Cruz with two little monkeys on a leash, he got all morally outraged and suddenly the monkeys turned back into innocent children. This man is so stupid he doesn't see the hypocrisy of this action. Sorry, Rafael, but if you choose to put your two daughters in a tv commercial and use them as puppets to repeat what you have fed them, then children—at least your children— are not off limits. Grind on.

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