Tuesday, December 29, 2015


I see where Donald Trump has dragged out the Monica Lewinsky incident as an illogical attack on Hillary Clinton. Frankly I don't see how Clinton's peccadillo (which was nobody's business as far as I'm concerned) reflects badly on her. She and Bill were married in 1975. And they're still together after 41 years. I think that speaks volumes about Hillary's loyalty, patience and forgiveness--all virtues.  Fickle Donald, on the other hand, has been married three times.  It seems that when Donald got horny, he cheats on his present wife (with not one but several women) then gets a divorce, marries the latest infatuation and eventually dumps her. Not surprised Monica was infatuated with Bill Clinton; he's a handsome guy with tons of charisma. Donald Trump's appeal on other hand is more than likely the vast fortune he always brags about.


  1. Read all 4 posts. Like them all. I'm especially proud that you say the commecial with thre nun is disrespectful to her calling. You show a beautiful tolerance of other peoples beliefs.

  2. That isn't always true since I am intolerant of
    religion in general. Still, thanks. You do know you are the only person who comments on these posts.
