Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Warm coffee or cold beer?

Are beer drinkers jerks and coffee drinkers warm, wonderful people? It would seem so from many of today's TV commercials. Beer spots seemed to be directed at post-adolescent, sexually infantile, often selfish young men while coffee commercials reach out to the returning vets, loving parents and families full of generosity and goodwill. I'm not complaining. I've always liked the Folger's commercials where each day starts with hot coffee and people waking to another happy day. When I was a kid Maxwell House began its campaign of warmth by sponsoring Mama, featuring the coffee-loving Norwegian family: the Steiners of San Francisco. A perfect match. It established them as caring and they have kept up that image ever since with their unchanging "Good to the last drop" slogan. I especially like their newest commercial in which a father watches his son prepare to deliver newspapers on a rainy morning and volunteers to drive him on the route without making the kid lose face. Charming. I wonder if beer commercials will ever show really nice people.

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