Monday, July 5, 2010

Order before midnight tonight.

I've decided that most commercials are deceptive if not outright lies, not just those quack products for fast weight loss, instant muscles and erectile dysfunction. But even the brand names lie. A popular pain reliever does not offer relief for 12 hours. Optical providers only gives you two pairs of glasses for $99 if you don't want thin lenses, unbreakable glass, attractive frames or other costly options that you do want. I don't think anything relieves a sore throat. The only cough medicines that seem to work are the ones that knock you out. No carpet cleaner gets your carpet looking new. Processed foods are not like homemade and are never as generously proportioned as they appear on commercials. Electric shavers do not shave as close as blades. And blade makers are constantly adding another row of blades to convince you the razor you bought last week sucks and this newer far costlier one is superior. No soft drink makes you suddenly a more energetic and amiable person. No yogurt is as satisfying as any brand name ice cream. No insurance company really cares about you, no matter how beautifully they say they do. Coffee does not bring your family closer, nor does bringing home a popular take-out food. I am not using brand names here because almost everyone is guilty. Truth in advertising is a thing of the past, so you have to be really careful what you buy and what you believe. Although maybe I'm being cynical and maybe that oil company really feels bad about destroying the Gulf Coast and truly cares about all the lives they've ruined. You know, like they say in their commercials.

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