Wednesday, March 15, 2023


It wins every year: Comcast also called Xfinity. Yesterday they made TV viewing impossible because they said my Remote didn't work. The remote they supplied. So now I have to pay them for a new remote which won't arrive for days. To achieve that I had to spend two hours on the phone with a stranger who seemed to have no idea how to fix the problem. This morning I couldn't read my e-mail because they demanded my ID and Password, which I supplied but they denied and kept showing the same demand endlessly along with ads for local banks. Why? Comcast is far too expensive, completely incompetent, has the worst customer service connection,  and somehow manages to add more costs each month. I am now up to $261.00 a month for no good reason. They pulled a fast one when they prevented customers for getting TCM unless they sign up for the sports network. Duh.  I have heard that all these companies suck, but none can be worse than Comcast.

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