Saturday, June 25, 2022


 ...they want to make life difficult for those who can. So while they have worked to make abortions illegal, they really couldn't care less about the issue. They only do it as an attack on Democrats and to gain greater control of women whom they basically hate. Just look at the misogynistic wheelchair-bound Governor Abbot of Texas. He's old, impotent, flaccid and withered like most Republicans in power. None of these callous politicians give a thought or a f***about a woman who will be burdened by an unwanted baby, or killed by an illegal botched abortion. Republicans, more and more, are loyal to their finances and party, and not to their country or constituents. And they obvious spit on the teachings for Christ, though they are quick to clutch Bibles and put their selfish asses in pews. Think about the America you knew growing up. Are you willing to see it replaced by chauvinistic old men whose only two gods are power and wealth? Or are you rightfully furious that a small guerilla army of narrow-minded misogynists are planning to determine the future of millions of American woman whom they plan to make second-class citizens?

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