Sunday, March 15, 2020

Is it my imagination or are we being deluged with twice as many tv commercials now that the networks know we are captive audiences? If so that seems as shameful to me as price gouging. There are already more commercials on tv than the networks require to make a huge profit. So, like most things, it's just greed. There are shows I like that I won't watch because they are so commercial-heavy like The Big Bang Theory. Today I am trying to watch the news on MSNBC and it seems they break for a series of commercial after every few nuggets of news. Years ago when television was free, we were told that if we paid for service there would be no commercials. Ha! Today there are more than ever. In  the 50's a commercial break featured two, three, at the most four ads. Today there are as many as 15 commercials, promos, station i.d.s and various announcements at every break. Oddly enough nobody seems to complain about being so needlessly exposed to unnecessary commercial garbage.

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