Thursday, March 5, 2020

I just listened to a tirade from a man on a bus bench. He was about 50 and hailed from Lebanon. The bad news is that he likes Trump. The good news is that he says everyone he works with hates Trump. I said I didn't hate Trump, I despised him. When I said he's such a liar, he actually said, "He doesn't lie." I realized something about Trump fans who are transplanted from other countries. They conform to an old British expression, "F you, I'm all right Jack." I've spoken to many people from other countries who, like Trump, seem to resent foreigners like they once were. Why? Because they're selfish bastards who have already claimed their space and don't want others to crowd them out.So, in many cases it isn't that people don't recognize what a evil monster Trump is, it's that they're pretty evil monsters themselves.

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