Sunday, November 26, 2017


If it weren't for my favorite blog,"My Cats are Democrats" I never would have known about a bomb threat on Obama's life. It seems the crazy woman above, Julia Poff of Sealy, Texas, sent one of her homemade bombs to Obama and another to Governor Greg Abbott. Being a slob as well as a nut, her packages had the telltale evidence of cat hair and a local cigarette purchase. So now she's being held in jail awaiting trial, which should put her away for life. The article didn't say whether she was married or had children. Probably not: these bomb makers lead such loveless lives. Obviously she's worthless, but her cat (cats) are not. I hope some kind person in Sealy adopts her completely innocent pet. If you do, just think you can tell all your visitors,"My cats saved a president's life."

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