Tuesday, November 15, 2016


You've got to hand it to Patricia Ramsey Taylor. She's the scold from West Virginia who wrote on Facebook "It will be so refreshing to have a classy, beautiful, dignified First Lady in the White House. I'm tired of seeing  a Ape in heels." First of all she's willing to come right out and admit that she's a hateful racist. Bravo. Then she confesses she's maniacally jealous of Michelle Obama who is unquestionably  beautiful, classy and dignified. How nice to have a message so transparent. Then she praises a woman she knows nothing about, the desperate petty move of a complete bitch. And finally she reveals that she is totally uneducated by using an a before a noun with a vowel and a capital letter for a lower-case word. Bigoted. Jealous. Petty. And incredibly stupid. Oh, did I mention unemployed? This nasty little revelation of her vile soul cost her her job. And possibly the job of fellow racist, Beverly Whaling, the Mayor of Clay.

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