Friday, November 25, 2016


Just because Donald Trump is terrible choice for president, don't start giving George W. Bush a pass. So far Trump hasn't been responsible for anyone's deaths, at least not directly. Bush, on the other hand, is a war criminal and mass murderer. His vanity war resulted in the deaths of thousands and left countless soldiers and civilians maimed, crippled, blind, deaf and mentally incapacitated. Despite the fact that Obama hasn't prosecuted him and the media seems to think he's a sweet yet daffy old dear, there are thousands of Americans missing from Thanksgiving tables all over America yesterday because George is a amoral coward who signed, in essence, their death warrants. I don't doubt for a minute that Donald Trump will do irreparable damage to our country and our spirit, but that doesn't make Bush any less guilty of the crimes for which he should have been locked away years ago.

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