Sunday, March 3, 2013

Comcast sucks.

Every now and then we have to put up with a service we hate because we're pretty sure the competing service isn't any better. In my case it's Comcast. I detest Comcast. I think it's too expensive and too full of problems. This weekend alone they screwed up my tv service. I spent a half-an-hour on the phone, first with a technician full of attitude, and then a charmingly incompetent manager After he had allegedly straightened out my account and given me a new (and more costly) package with an appealing  bonus feature, I thought I was done. The next day, I found I did not have the bonus feature, but he had inadvertently changed my telephone number of 15 years so nobody could reach me. To straighten that out, I went through three—count them three—irritating calls to Comcast. They lost me on two of them. The third person finally solved the problem. That bonus feature that seemed so appealing never did appear on my cable. I'd call to ask why, but I'm sure if I did, someone at Comcast would screw up my phone, my cable or my computer.I'm tempted to switch to ATT, but I'm sure they're just as greedy and incompetent. It seems to go with the cable industry.

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