Saturday, July 21, 2012

A plethora of...

Recently I started to get some orange mold in the bathroom shower. At the supermarket, there were lots of products that promised to destroy mold. I chose one called X-14. Just about an hour ago I sprayed the affected areas. Now the entire house smells of this strong chemical in the same way that it reeked with the strong smell of Clorox, which I tried last week. I hate using these chemicals.  I find it hard to believe that this powerful and unpleasant odor doesn't carry with it something more perilous, you know like lung damage or burnt eyeballs, or some future disease. We Americans are really too quick to use deadly products to solve all our cleaning, pest and other problems without considering what harm they are doing to us. I had a friend who died of lung cancer. She was convinced that, working in an art studio, it was caused by her frequent use of Spray Mount. I think she was right. I have got to seek out cleaning agents that are natural and safe and don't leave the house reeking of fumes that you feel are out to get you. By the way, X-14 didn't remove the mold.

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