Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Black in the White House.

It just occurred to me that the best way to repair America, no matter who is in office is to provide a free suite in the White House for Lewis Black. Nobody in the world cuts through bullshit as brilliantly as he does. If he lived in the White House, and was given free reign, he could stop the president in the hall. march right into the Oval Office, or wake him out of a sound sleep, and say, "That statement you made today was so fucking stupid I can't believe it." Or, "Do you have any idea of what an ass you made of yourself today?" In no time at all, the president would be so afraid of Black's trenchant ridicule, he would give more careful thought to everything he did, everything he said.  Black keeping watch would make all the difference in the world. This would be especially important if, by some horrible fate, Romney is elected. If however, Fortune smiles on America and Obama wins a second term, it would be better to build a suite for Lewis Black in the Capitol.

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