Thursday, June 21, 2012

A nation bent on suicide.

I keep hearing from both Democrats and Republicans that Romney will win in November. This sounds no less dire to me than the prediction by the Sumerians that the world will end on December 21, 2012 when Earth is struck by the plan Nibiru.  If you have a brain, or—let's be fair—half a brain, why would you vote for a goofy, robotic, magic underwear draped plutocrat whose greatest successes have been buying companies, firing their hardworking employees, decimating their pensions and then selling what's left for a huge profit to be divided among the other Bain  cannibals?  This is what Romney calls job creation. Only an idiot could believe that and only a liar would claim it. Do you really want a president who is either and idiot or liar, or possibly both? If you're a woman, a vote for Romney is like saying, "I am dying to be a second-class citizen like I was in the past. I don't think I'm smart enough to make decisions about my body.I need a man to help me with such important concerns.In fact, I'm not sure I'm even worthy enough to vote." If you're African American, your vote for Romney means, "I have absolutely no respect for myself. If Republicans treated our first black President of the United States and attendee of both Harvard and Yale like a 1930s shoeshine boy, I might as well forget any plans I had for the future." If you're gay—well I don't think we have to worry about the gay vote, other than closeted capitalists and Log Cabin Republicans who are their own special freak show." Ah, Hispanics. The very fact that Romney is considering chubby choir boy Rubio suggests he thinks you are so malleable and gullible that just the nomination of a Cuban for VP will throw you into raptures of Republican adoration. The list goes on for Romney voters. Seniors can kiss many of their Social Security and Medicaid benefits goodbye (thank to draconian calculations of vampiric economist Paul Ryan). The jobless can expect to remain so because any excess amounts of money will be poured into the coffers of those already rolling in millions and billions and most of the work will be done for pennies an hour overseas.  In short if you are fool enough to vote for Romney, you had better already be a multimillionaire who doesn't give a shit about the working class and has more interest in dressage than poor children with potentially fatal illnesses. So, if you're a Republican or, like so many middle-class people mistaking think they're Republican because daddy said so, think very carefully before you vote for Romney. Because I assure you , it he wins you will be facing the worst case of buyer's remorse that could ever occur in your life.

Note: If you to want know what he's laughing at, it's anyone who is gullible enough to fall for all his lies about Obama, and that's he and his friends are so rich they can buy anything they want, including your vote.

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