Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The horror of improvements.

Every time someone tells you they have improved something, it's more likely than not they have made it worse. This blog, for instance, was very easy to use yesterday. But now they have improved it, which means it's far more complicated and very difficult to use. Elecric irons have been improved, which means they cost about five times what they used to and are never as hot. Every time my computer is updated, I lose some really neat feature that has been deemed obsolete. I used to be able to number pages on manuscripts with the feature that said "number pages". Now there is nothing that says anything like that and I haven't a clue how to number pages. When I wrote a post I used to click the ABC at the top of this page and it would reveal all my typos and show me the correct spellings. Now when I click ABC, nothing happens. Well actually, the word "strike" appears after the text. I have no idea what that means. Mattresses have been improved. Now they are about four feet thick and you have to buy specialized sheets that cost eight times as much as those old fashioned-sheets that fit those old-fashioned mattresses. Plus if you are over 50, you wil not have the energy necessary to make the bed. I'm sure you can think of lots of things that have been improved to their detriment. Now I'm going to click the ABC button again. If there are typos on this post, it's because it dint work.

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