Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Sixth District Simpleton.

As a culture aren't we supposed to get smarter and smarter? Then what's gone wrong? How is it possible that we have a woman (positive) seeking the office of president of the United States who thinks we should teach creationism (negative, very negative). How can we have a potential candidate for the most important office on earth who is an evangelical, paranoid, homophobic, and amazingly uninformed? This past year, Bachmann told a group of New Hampshire Republicans, "You're the state where the shot was heard around the world in Lexington and Concord." I'm sure there were 10-year-olds in the crowd who knew that Lexington and Concord are in Massachusetts. She told Chris Matthews that the members of Congress should be investigated for their loyalty to the United States. I suspect she meant Democrats only. And when Obama went to India. Bachmann complained it would cost the taxpayers 200 million dollars a day, an insanely exaggerated figure. This is a woman who warned us that the Cenus could lead to internment camps, and bragged that she had visited all 57 states. Even if she weren't so frequently in error she is a bigoted fundamentalist Christian married to a very questionable "straight" man who makes his living treating homosexuals for their sinful lifestyles. She brags that she and Marcus have fostered 26 chidlren, but seems reluctant to tell us how much time they have spent with each and how much cash they collected for their altruism. She is obviously unfit to run for any high office, but—once again—the lazy media is unwiling to do any in-depth investigating and accepts her as a perfectly legitimate potential candidate.

Note:The Minnesota Department of Human Services reports that Bachmann's foster care license allowed her to care for at most three children at any one time; she had the license for 7 1/2 years. Bachmann did not answer a reporter's question about how long the children spent with her. "We've never gotten into specifics about the children because we've always wanted to observe their privacy and that of their families," she said. "As I'm sure you can appreciate."

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