Friday, December 24, 2010

Why don't we like certain people?

I happen to like Flo on the Progressive commercials. There's just something about her that appeals to me. But I've had at least three friends express surprise at my feelings, commenting on how much they dislike her. But why? She seems to be completely inoffensive to me. Is the answer that there is no why other than that we just dislike certain people for reasons of which we're not even sure? Perhaps someone in our life looked like Flo, talked like her, was as cheerfully ditzy. I happen to dislike lots of people who are very popular: Will Farrell, Steve Carell, and Steve Martin to name just three comics. I could argue that I don't think they're funny, but so many people would disagree. And I can't argue with success, as much as I'd like to. Besides there are lots of very untalented performers who I do like. (No. I am not going to give their names.) Oddly enough, I can't think of a single female celebrity I strongly dislike. I wonder what that means. Then, of course, there are people I detest and loathe and despise and abhor and revile for dozens of perfectly legitimate reasons: but let's leave Sarah out of this.

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