Sunday, December 26, 2010

It doesn't add up.

This Castrol Motor Oil spot, which runs frequently, is one of those commercials that seem logical until you think about it. When the passenger says, "They sting more than usual." the driver says,"Yeah, you'll get used to it." How can you get used to something that is different than usual? "When the driver says, " I think a dime went up my nose, the driver says, "Yeah, that happens." With thousands of coins flying at him, didn't the passenger guess that might happen, and wouldn't he know if a dime went up his nose?" I believe there should be logic even in absurdities and have no problem with a car spewing coins from the dashboard. But this is one of those spots where the writer didn't make an effort to come up with a more clever (and logical) line and the client wasn't smart enough to notice—and I'm sure most people who see it won't either.

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