Saturday, August 5, 2017


  • If you're one of those morons who joined the many protests against Obama, and the kind of simpleton who, even today, says that Obama was a lousy president, and giggles each time an equally brainless Republican makes a disparaging remark about Barack or his beautiful wife, then you have to face up to one thing: You are a racist. You are absolutely a racist. There's no getting away from it. Your only possible reason to hate Obama is his color.  Because Obama despite your uneducated judgement, was a great president. He was brilliant and calm, hardworking and honest. He was a uniter (except for racists like you). He was lean and healthy, handsome and funny. He dressed beautifully He spoke elegantly. He made important changes, which racists like you refuse to acknowledge. He took unfair abuse (like yours) with grace. He bore his exceptional superiority with modesty. He was a nearly perfect man. So when people like you denigrate President Barack Obama, all you are doing is saying, "I am a racist, who is so jealous of someone so far superior to me I can only express myself in vitriol, and will always refuse to admit the great good that Obama has done for this country."

  • P.S. Ultimately what Obama possessed was class and refinement, something those who vilify him will live a lifetime without.

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