Thursday, March 3, 2016

The pot, etc.

Sorry, Mitt. While I haven't heard your full speech yet, I'm already annoyed. First of all, you seem to be the last person to criticize Trump for being a phony and a fraud. During your campaign, I heard all kinds of nasty lies and smarmy comments. But what bugs me most right now is your criticizing Trump for calling George Bush a liar. George Bush is a liar, and a traitor, and a war criminal, and a mass murderer. You're lucky, Mitt, that the media is so lazy and ineffective they're treating your attack on Trump like some kind of white knight to the rescue. It's true, Donald is scum.  He's dishonest, bigoted, ruthless, arrogant, a completely amoral piece of s----. And so are you.
Note: Now that I have seen the speech, I find you even more repugnant. How dare you go on television and attack Hillary Clinton again with the kind of lies you are famous for all as a sideline to attacking Donald Trump.  One hopes the networks will be forced to give equal time to the Democrats to point out how completely dishonest you and your cronies are. I don't know if your  insignificant opinion will have any effect on Trump's campaign, but I hope he points out just what a worthless loser you are. In the meantime the networks keep running footage of you and Donald kissing each other's asses, which tells us so much about both of you.

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