Monday, March 28, 2016


For almost eight years now we've been exposed to racist Republicans. They have been outraged that an African-American became president. Outright bigots like Mitch McConnell admitted immediately that he wanted that uppity Obama gone. Other racists in Congress were slightly more subtle. But their constant obstructionism made their anti-black feelings very clear. Well, guess what? The rabid racism is sort of over because the vindictive misogyny has begun. The new terror for cowardly Republicans is that the next four years will be a Hillary Clinton presidency. The  frightened slurs have started. Campaigns like the ineffective Benghazi attacks have already wasted America's time and money. Old queens like Trudy Giuliani have tried to vilify Hillary with all kinds of bitchy accusations, like blaming her for the attacks in Brussels. The GOP is gearing up for a major battle. And surprisingly so is a blue dog Democrat.  Rep. Collin Peterson from Minnesota has sworn to cast  his vote for Bernie Sanders if he attends the National Convention in July. He has given all kinds of reasons to make his admiration sound sincere. But  I suggest he isn't voting for Sanders so much as he's voting against Hillary. Peterson, a co-founder of the Blue Dog Coalition, is anti-abortion, opposed to embryonic stem cell research, against same-sex marriage, very pro guns, supports the death penalty, and did something that no self-respecting Democrat could do: dated Katherine Harris. So basically he's a Republican and obviously would have no interest at all in supporting Sanders if it wasn't a good way to publicly slap Hillary Clinton, a goddamned woman.

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