Saturday, January 20, 2024


American manufacturers spend a lot of money to package designers to make sure their products look good on the shelf and are easy to open and close. Do you suppose they know that most products are a pain the ass to open and rarely can be resealed or rewrapped with any kind of ease. I just tried open a package of  throat lozenges from the champion of overpricing Mucinex. When the tear here suggestion didn't work, I had to do what I mostly have to do: use scissors. Most products are badly packaged, though there are some real champions. Sheba for instance is a cat food that comes in a tear-open package. At least it does if you have super-human strength, The manufacturer should look into how many elderly cat owners don't buy this product. Any clear package with a cardboard backing is difficult to open. Many bottles require Herculean strength to uncap. Even a great many package pastries require destroying the enclosures to get to the contents,  There are dozens of name products that are a chore to open, and I am guessing the companies that make them don't have a clue.

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