Thursday, October 27, 2022


If most Americans do the smart thing and vote blue, blue, blue, the benefits are enormous. First of all you will save the democracy Republicans are trying to destroy. You will also rescue Social Security and Medicare from the destructive forces of the so-called Maga Republicans. You will also have the supreme satisfaction of seeing traitors like Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Bobert face ignominious defeat. You will make monsters like Ted Cruz, Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan, and other treasonous bastards absolutely miserable. If you're a true past Republican, it might be your chance to revitalize the party that was. You will see Doctor Oz pack his carpet bag and go back to selling snake oil from New Jersey. You will cripple super-egotist Ron DeSantis's campaign to become a book-burning American dictator. You will save every woman in America from becoming a second-class citizen with no authority over her own body. You will prevent the return of back alley abortionists. You will aid Americans with student loans from the burdens of excessive interest and shut down the fountain of forgiven loans to such hypocrites as Marjorie Taylor Greene. And you will be leveling the playing field between the average American and the super-wealthy, non-tax paying elite upper class many who horde each billion (a thousand million) while you make ends meet. Vote blue, blue and only blue if you want to return this country to a fair, bipartisan, world-admired democracy without the Trumpian lies, the biased Supreme Court, the Christians-only theocracy, the hate-your-neighbor propaganda, and the The American Dream is over philosophy. It is not over. I can be better than ever. But to make it happen, you must vote blue.

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