Saturday, September 29, 2018


There are lots of nasty people in the world.
They don’t care about the hungry and the sick.
All they want do it make big bucks,
And they want to make those big bucks quick.
How do you stop these greedy creeps?
How do you squash these horrid trolls?
You can’t shoot them. You can’t stab them.
But there’s one step you can take:
You can beat then at the polls.
You can crush them. 
You can slay ‘em.
You can cause a world of mayhem.
Your vote is a bullet 
to each bastard on the ballot.
It’s an arrow, it’s a noose, it’s a well placed mallet.
And when yours is one of milllons, please take note:
Nothing has the power of your one vote.

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