Saturday, August 27, 2022


The smartest thing any Republican can do is be a Democrat since they are they only party trying to save our trouble democracy  But the second smartest thing a Republican can do is go back to being a Republican. That was the party you originally embraced back when they had standards and morals and ideas for the future - before the cult of Trump. You remember when elections were fair, when they didn't openly hate Latins and Blacks and free speech and The Constitution itself. When they weren't promoting Neo Nazis like DeSantis, hate mongers like Ted Cruz, bullies like Jim Jordan, thieves like Rick Scott,  and degenerates like Matt Dietz. When you didn't have hateful nutcases like Green and Boebert shrilling constantly on the Internet telling one psychotic lie after another. Be a Republican when it was a different standard of belief not a demented standard of evil. When there were patriots worthy of your admiration, heroic presidents like Eisenhower, a man who helped us win a war unlike the combat-evading cowards like Trump or the many other frightened Republicans in Congress. Go home to a home that was a safe, fair, honest two-party democracy, not a pack of GOP wolves obsessed with wealth and willing to lie constantly in order to have more. Go home to the sane, logical, kinder, safer world in which you were raised. If it's not safe to vote red in these traitorous, dictatorial  times, don't vote. Or vote blue and wait until the reptilian Maga Republicans have been squashed and true patriots like Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger and an army of Republicans like you can revive your once proud, stolen party.

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