Saturday, August 31, 2024


Think of all the times in your life that you changed your mind. You decided not to go to that party, not to take that job, not to paint your bedroom green. It was never a big deal, at most an inconvenience, and if it was a mistake, no harm was done. That's about to change. Because if you vote for Trump and he wins, your life as a free American will be over. The 2025 Project will throw everything into chaos to cater to our first autocrat, Donald Trump, a very old, nasty, set in his ways narcissist who couldn't care less about you or your family. And once you realize this it will be too late to change your mind and regain freedom of speech, and all the benefits of democracy you took for granted. You won't live to see a return to sanity if there ever is one. So this November before you cave to all of Trump's lies and Vance's smears, keep in mind how much you will be giving up with a single misplaced ballot. Basically everything.

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