Sunday, August 4, 2024


This morning I walked a couple of  blocks to deliver books to a neighbor's outdoor mini-libary. On the way back I noticed that the neighbor across the street from me had two flags flying over his front entrance. One was the American flag. Printed on the other larger flag was "TRUMP" and "Take America Back".  It couldn't have been a more disturbing sight if it was a swastika, which in essence it was. I am astounded that anyone votes for Trump with his draconian list of threats, 2025. But why would this old man, who lives in a large house in a peaceful neighborhood feel that America needs to be taken back? From what? Prosperity? Liberty? Free speech? And how would his life be improved by having a paranoid nutcase in office?  Then my thoughts returned to the mini-library and I realized more than ever how we have to safeguard our books, our thoughts, our differences,  from the ignorant, gullible flag-waving cultists out to destroy our democracy.

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