Wednesday, August 21, 2024


Yes, Trump is weird. And one of the ways he is weird is something nobody mentions . He is obsessed with accumulating money, but not in spending it. You would think, like most billionaires, he would be constantly seen at the most fashionable restaurants. No. He would have a spectacular yacht. No. He would travel to world capitals, staying at the most expensive hotels. No. Trump doesn't even have a costly wardrobe, just those tacky dark blue ill-fitting suits. Probably his most expensive possession is his solid gold toilet, something he doesn't have to share with anyone. Yes, his rallies are costly, but he usually stiffs the  cities he holds them in. So why his parsimonious  nature? He's not saving his wealth for his children. That would be too human. The answer is he has a Scrooge McDuck complex. He just likes piling it up. Weird!

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