Saturday, August 17, 2024


 Indulge me in my latest conspiracy theory. Donald Trump is not nearly as unhinged as he appears. His inability to focus on his campaign is all a ruse. I think he has realized that Vance is not his friend but possibly his Brutus if he gets into the White House. Additionally he feels cornered by the self-serving ambitions of the Heritage Foundation. So he has decided to try to lose the race for President. Since, being a coward, he can't admit this, it must look like his loss was bad politics, failing health of just plain fate. After the shocking loss, his excuse is that choosing Vance was the reason. This way he saves his life, keeps the adoration of his Maga morons and gets revenge on Vance and Heritage. Being a lazy slob, Trump realizes he didn't want the responsibility anyway. He's much rather play golf, watch TV, and whine endlessly about how this election was stolen.

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