Tuesday, August 20, 2024


It can't be said enough. The 2025 Project is insane, inhuman, indecent, and once it stains our country, indelible. If Project 2025 isn't enough to make you vow to not vote for Trump, then you don't know what it is. It is a plan that assaults women's rights, children's education, freedom of speech, social security, medical care, and human dignity. It is a white male elitist unsecret society of misanthropic losers eager to bully society into obeying their rules or suffer the consequences. It is every Nazi movie you've ever seen in real life. It is neighbors who disappear in the night. It is constantly looking over your shoulder. And if Trump wins, it is a constant state of irretrievable regret from the Maga morons who will only realize how stupid they were when it it's too late.

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