Monday, August 26, 2024


 There are three words that can instantly destroy Donald Trump. Why have these three words never been used? Because most newscasters and interviewers are too afraid of Donald to use them. How a fat, flatulent, featherbrain can engender so much fear is beyond me. But there it is. The three words? "That's a lie." Despite the thousands of lies I have heard him tell, I have never heard anyone confront this blowhard by saying, "That's a lie." Which explains how he has gotten away with so many lies over time.This very day I heard him whine that Kamala Harris doesn't want to debate and that she isn't smart. Two incredible lies, but no-one callled him on them. If they had he would have been sputtering, a look of terror in his creepy fish eyes. He probably would have lost all control and attacked the interviewer, that's what cowards do. But trust me, if everyone from then on said, "That's a lie" with every lie Trump told, he would soon have the manner of a trapped animal with every escape blocked. Do you think I am wrong about this? Then try it. Hopefully before the election so we don't have to put up with this mendacious pile of garbage.

If he's talking he's lying

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