Thursday, August 8, 2024


 That's the perfect headline for any Trump speech, particularly today's snore fest at MaraLago.  One wonders if Trump believes any of the lies he tells. For instance how he can say Harris is dumb? She has been so successful in every endeavor and is admired for her intellect. I guess it's just another projection when he realizes how ill-educated he is, how many mistakes he makes; and how many failed companies, law suits, marriages, and political appointments he has left in his wake. Does he even get embarrassed when, after his speeches, the fact checking begins and shows that most of his blustering was lies? Even his promise to do three debates is highly debatable. Let's face it, Trump is a sad old battleship, no longer up to combat, rusting in his berth, honoring too many different flags, and subject to uncontrollable leaking.

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