Monday, August 5, 2024


In the 1957 film A Face in the Crowd, Andy Griffith (in a brilliant performance) plays folk singer Lonesome Rhodes. While his character starts out as a drunk, success and fame turn him into a cold and arrogant cult figure. Like Trump he has millions of admirers who see him as a caring redeemer. (The picture below is from the film not a Trump rally). Lonesome's rise in power includes mass media coverage, the adoration of rubes, and even a flirtation with the presidency. His downfall comes when, unaware of an open mike,  he displays how ruthless he is and how little he values his fans. Sadly Trump's fans don't seem to notice or mind his constant lies, total lack of character, or the fact that he only likes their money. His contempt for them and America itself is always on total display. Yet they still turn out with gullible adoration. ( I don't understand this, Andy Griffin was attractive and could act and sing, and Trump is repulsive and can't do anything but lie.)

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